
High Quality rating by NVAO for our Master’s programme
Our Master’s programme Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism is assessed as ‘Good’ by The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders, NVAO in their last evaluation (December 2015). The NVAO is tasked by the Dutch and Flemish governments as an independent accreditation organisation for an expert and objective assessment of the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders….
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Retrospective symposium ‘Religie: Struikelblok voor integratie?’ (Dutch)
Op 20 november 2015 werd door Ercomer, in samenwerking met dagblad Trouw het symposium “Religie: Struikelblok voor Integratie?” georganiseerd. Het symposium, rondom het thema “integratie, een kwestie van geloof?”, stond onder voorzitterschap van Lodewijk Dros, chef Letter & Geest bij Trouw Read more.
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“There is simply no connection between integration and religion.”
News article in Dutch newspaper Trouw on research by Ercomer members Fennela Fleischmann and Mieke Maliepaard. Following the symposium organised by Trouw and Ercomer, an article about the theme was published in Dutch national newspaper Trouw. Read the article (in Dutch)
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Symposium: “Religie: Struikelblok voor integratie?”
Ercomer organiseert in samenwerking met dagblad Trouw op vrijdag 20 november 2015 een symposium rondom de vraag “Religie: Struikelblok voor integratie?” De titel van het symposium verwoordt een veel gehoorde aanname. Sprekers uit de wetenschap en samenleving zullen hier gedurende de middag vraagtekens bij plaatsen Gastsprekers tijdens het symposium zijn James Kennedy, Frank van Tubergen, Ahmed…
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Ercomer on YouTube
Since the beginning of 2015, you’ll find Ercomer on YouTube. See, for example, Tobias Stark’s contribution.
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Utrecht Summer School starts July 6th
The Utrecht Summer School, Europe’s largest academic summer school, started monday, July 6th. Ercomer offers the course Migration, Integration and Ethnic Relations, starting August 17th.
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Horizon 2020: funding for project on ethnic inequality in the labour market
Bram Lancee and Marcel Coenders have been successful in a bid for a Horizon 2020 grant. Their project – ‘Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets’- focuses on ethnic inequality and is worth 2.5 million euros. Of that amount 450,000 euros goes to Utrecht University. With over twenty researchers located in eight European countries, this project…
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International dissertation prize for Dr. Anouk Smeekes
Anouk Smeekes, post-doctoral researcher at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations has won the Rae and Dr. Dan Landis Outstanding Dissertation Award of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR). This award is intended to recognize and honor outstanding research by aspiring intercultural researchers. Support for the award is provided by the…
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Update: Work in progress
While the this new website of Ercomer is being build you can still visit our old website at
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