
Seminar: Gina Gustavsson – National Identity and Trust

‘Does national identity boost trust? Exploring the links from national attachment, pride, and chauvinism to general, political, and inter-group trust’.   Abstract: The national identity argument holds that a common national identity promotes trust and solidarity between citizens, and that it may therefore provide a common in-group identity that furthers cooperation between groups that are…

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Seminar Matthijs Rooduijn – Populist Parties as Mobilizers of Discontent

Tainted by Office? Populist Parties as Mobilizers of Discontent   Populist parties are often conceived of as ‘mobilizers of discontent’. They either attract voters who are dissatisfied with the political status-quo, or they fuel distrust among those who already support them. In this paper, we argue and demonstrate that populist parties cease to be mobilizers…

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Seminar: Barbara Oomen – Cities of Refuge

Cities of Refuge In the wake of 2015, local authorities have increasingly claimed and been granted a key role in the management of migration. There are ‘fearless cities’ and ‘solidarity cities’ take a proactive stance on the inclusion of migrants, but also ‘cities that refuse’ to welcome and integrate refugees. In this seminar, Barbara Oomen…

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Seminar: Marta Miklokowska – Immigrant attitudes among adolescents

Adolescents’ Negative Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Risk and Protective Factors.   Adolescents grow up in an ethnically diverse world fueled by increases in immigration. At the same time, immigrant children are sometimes the targets of negative attitudes that fuel prejudice-based harassment at school. Thus, schools seek to foster more positive attitudes among youth.   Adolescents’ attitudes…

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Seminar: Jozefien De Leersnyder – Emotional Acculturation

When people come into continuous first hand contact with another culture, their patterns of emotions change – a process we coined emotional acculturation. In this colloquium, I will describe three studies, with Korean Americans, Turkish Belgians and a representative sample of minority adolescents in Belgium (longitudinal study) that provide first evidence for this phenomenon. Concretely,…

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Research Master MERM top-rated in 2019!

We are proud to announce that our research master programme Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism was ranked 1st place in the Keuzegids Masters 2019 and received the mark ‘Top Opleiding’ ( top rated programme).  Read more about our programme here!

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Seminar: Elmar Schlüter – Support for anti-Muslim movements

Explaining Germans’ attitudes on PEGIDA, or: why and when do majority members support anti-Muslim movements?   Since its emergence in october 2014 the extreme right-wing movement PEGIDA (Patriotische Europater gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes) figures high on Germany’s public and political agenda. Organizing its public protests around opposition to Muslim immigrants, Pegida attracted large numbers…

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Check out our Summer School

In July 2019, Ercomer will host another Summer School programme in migration, integration and ethnic relations. Check it out and come spend your summer with us!

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Bijeenkomst: Omgaan met verschillen in de klas

Op dinsdag 11 december om 19:00 in het Marinus Ruppertgebouw, zaal 002, (Leuvenlaan 21) wordt er een interactieve bijeenkomst georganiseerd in het kader van het onderzoeksproject ‘Omgaan met verschillen in de klas’ van de Universiteit Utrecht en de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Eerst zal er een plenaire, interactieve lezing worden gegeven door Jochem Thijs. Na deze…

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Veelbelovend resultaat effectmeting “Welkom In Mijn Wijk”

Een evaluatiestudie uitgevoerd door Ghislaine Jordans en Dr. Tobias Stark laat zien dat het programma Welkom In Mijn Wijk een positieve bijdrage levert aan burgerschapsvaardigheden van basisschoolleerlingen. Lees hier het volledige rapport.

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