
Seminar: Ali R. Chaudhary – Boundary-Making

  Link to online seminar below   Title: Ascriptive Categories and Boundary-Making in Everyday Life   Abstract: Sociologists have amassed a wealth of scholarship on group-level inequalities across many dimensions of social life. In the United States, ascriptive status markers such as race, ethnicity, and nationality operate as social categories which are stratified in accordance…

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Seminar: Pomme van de Weerd – Ethnic self-categorization

Link to online seminar below   Title: Ethnic self-categorization: A sign of (un)belonging or an interactional phenomenon?   Abstract: Many second and third generation descendants of immigrants in the Netherlands refer to themselves as Marokkaan “Moroccan,” Turk “Turk,” or buitenlander “foreigner” rather than as Nederlander “Dutch person,” despite being the second generation to be born…

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Seminar: Didier Ruedin – Can We Overcome Ethnic Discrimination?

For link to online seminar see below   Title: Can We Overcome Ethnic Discrimination? Abstract: This talk explores avenues to overcome ethnic discrimination. It draws on several empirical studies on ethnic discrimination in the housing and labor market, both field experiments and survey evidence. I argue both that we need to know much more about…

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Seminar: Albert Ali Salah – Mobile phone data analysis for migrant mobility

Large scale mobile phone data analysis for refugee and migrant mobility Link to online seminar, see below.   Abstract: Big data sources provide new ways of observing large scale human mobility. Social media traces, mobile phone records, application logs all include digital breadcrumbs people leave behind, and it is possible to collect and process these…

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Seminar: Flavia Fossati – Deservingness of welfare support during COVID

Deservingness perceptions during times of crisis: evidence from survey experiments in Switzerland Link to online seminar, see below.   Abstract: Who should get welfare state support, when, and why, are pivotal questions in public opinion research. As a large body of literature shows, citizens are hardly ever willing to grant support to others completely unconditionally….

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Seminar: Rezarta Bilali – Countering extremism in West Africa

Title of the talk: Harnessing the power of stories to promote peace. Evidence from a randomized controlled trial of a narrative intervention to counter violent extremism in West Africa.   Abstract: Stories are a fundamental way through which we understand the world. They provide scripts that help people make sense of ongoing realities and imagine…

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Seminar: Michal Bilewicz – Hate speech

  Hate speech or the speech of contempt? The emotional and normative mechanisms in online derogatory language. Link to online seminar, see below.   Abstract: The effects of hate speech on racism, intergroup violence or political radicalization have been a primary focus of social psychological theorizing for decades (Allport, 1954). The recent development of electronic…

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Seminar: Louis Volante – Immigrant Student Academic Resilience

Immigrant Student Academic Resilience: Implications for Policy and Practice Stemming from PISA Results   Abstract: International achievement measures such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have consistently reported an achievement gap between non-immigrant and immigrant student groups – a result that is often referred to as the immigrant student performance disadvantage. This presentation…

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New Ercomer research on compliance with Corona rules

Nederlands bericht zie beneden   Worried about coronavirus? Tell each other about it! – Social networks can promote compliance with coronavirus measures Birthdays, garden parties, drinks: most corona infections currently take place in the private sphere. Yet our social networks can also help to prevent further spread of the virus. This summer, Ercomer researchers conducted…

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