
Lecture at the Betweter festival from Daudi van Veen
You can watch here a lecture from Daudi van Veen during the Betweter festival, on socialization and prejudice.
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Studium Generale meeting on the radical right
You can watch here to the first meeting of the series ‘Blik op Migratie‘ (Focus on Migration), with Hasna El Maroudi and Marcel Lubbers, on the rise of the radical right
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New Podcast: Joy in Academia
Daudi van Veen, Dounia Bourabain, Zakia Essanhaji, Zehra Çolak and Onur Sahin have launched the podcast initiative ‘Joy in Academia’ . Their podcast series sheds light on how racialized academics, in their unique ways, have overcome obstacles, developed resilience, and found purpose and joy within academia. In particular, the series of interviews explores an under-discussed aspect of…
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We are hiring:
We are looking for inspiring new colleagues! See the vacancies below: PhD candidate “Migrants’ Country Ownership Perceptions” Postdoctoraal Onderzoeker in Interetnische Sociale Relaties Assistant Professor in Migration and Intergroup Relations
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Podcast with Marcel Lubbers on the election survey 2023
Armen Hakhverdian talks with Marcel Lubbers (ERCOMER, UU) and Kristof Jacobs (RU) about the Dutch national elections and the election study in the StukRoodVlees podcast. It is in Dutch; you can listen here.
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Article by Marcel Lubbers cited by NOS and NPO radio 1
Prof. dr. Marcel Lubbers wrote together with Niels Spierings an article on Stukroodvlees over voters with a migration background. You can read it here (in Dutch). This was picked up by news outlet such as NPO radio1 and NOS. Marcel Lubbers is professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science: Relations between groups and cultures. With a background…
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Overview on public opinion on migration for the Adviesraad Migratie
Prof. dr. Marcel Lubbers wrote an overview on public opinion on migration for the Adviesraad Migratie that used this document for formulating the advice on quota for migration. You can download the overview and read more about it here (in Dutch). Marcel Lubbers is professor of Interdisciplinary Social Science: Relations between groups and cultures….
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We’re hiring! Postdoc in “Structural ethnic discrimination: a comparative, cumulative and intersectional perspective”
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a 2.5-year position (0.8 FTE; 30 months). The postdoctoral researcher will become part of the coordinating team of the EQUALSTRENGTH consortium and will work in close collaboration with Dr. Valentina Di Stasio. More details about the vacancy and the link to apply can be found here:
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ERC founded project TARGETS has started
Valentina Di Stasio’s project “TARGETS – What Makes People TARGETS: A Multi-Actor Study of How Ethnic Discrimination Is Perceived, Tackled and Avoided”. has started. The project is funded by an ERC Starting grant (2021 call; €1,5 million). Project description: Integrating literature from sociology, social psychology, organization and sociolegal studies, we develop and test a novel, multi-actor and…
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ERC founded project DualNets has started
Tobias Stark’s project ‘DualNets: Bridges in social networks: Harnessing dual identity to improve interethnic relations’ has started. The project is funded by an ERC Consolidator grant (2021 call; €2 million). Project description: This project will test a new theory: that interethnic prejudice can be reduced by minority members who identify with both their ethnic group…
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