
Seminar: Peter A.J. Stevens – Ghent University
Teacher Racism in the Classroom: An Explorative Study of the Meaning and Perception of Teacher Racism by Ethnic Majority and Minority Students > This study uses ethnographic data collected in a Flemish (Belgian) secondary, multicultural technical and vocational education school, to investigate how, to what extent and why students perceive their teachers to be racist….
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Seminar: Martijn de Koning – Universiteit van Amsterdam
‘For the sake of the children’ – Styles of advocacy among Dutch Muslims at the nexus of racialization and secularism after 1989 > Since 1989 the culture and religion of immigrants and their offspring from Muslim majority countries have been increasingly problematized in debates and policies regarding integration and (after 9/11) counter-radicalization. At the same…
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Seminar: Daniel McFarland – Stanford University
Scholar-Knowledge Migration > For several decades US research universities have called for diminished intellectual balkanization and increased knowledge sharing across fields. With such sharing comes the hope for increased innovation, but also a growing concern about colonization due to hierarchal qualities of scientific knowledge production. To assess how interdisciplinary knowledge sharing has occurred, we look…
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Seminar: Lars Leszczensky – University of Mannheim
Religiosity and Friendship Choices of Christian, Muslim, and Non-Religious Adolescents in Germany Abstract In contemporary Western Europe, both scholars and the broader public fiercely debate the consequences of a rising share of Muslim population for societal coexistence. Yet we know surprisingly little about how religion and religiosity shape intergroup friendships. Focusing on adolescents’ friendship networks,…
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Seminar: Izabela Grabowska – University of Warsaw
Putting the individual back in the frame. Mechanisms of social remittances in an enlarged European Union. Abstract The concept of social remittances, coined by Levitt (1998), induced many scholarly reactions, and opened up a whole new research landscape, but its mechanism was rarely clearly defined or operationalised. Based on the original data gathered during a…
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Seminar: Jan Mewes – Örebro University
Islamophobes, Welfare Chauvinists or Opponents to Egalitarianism: Who Likes the Radical Right? Longitudinal Evidence from Norway. > In the wake of the current refugee crisis, radical right-wing political parties gain ever more ground in Europe. While previous election and voting studies mostly highlighted the precariousness of their electorate, their recent dramatic success – all over…
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Seminar: Belle Derks – Utrecht University
Individual versus collective coping strategies among ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Abstract In this presentation, I focus on the individual and collective ways in which ethnic minorities in the Netherlands cope with the prejudice and discrimination they face in work and educational settings. Some ethnic minorities, i.e. those with relatively low identification, cope with identity…
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Seminar: Peter Titzmann – University of Zurich
Inter-ethnic Friendships: Predictors for Contact between Immigrant and Native Adolescents Abstract Inter-ethnic friendships can be seen as a benchmark for positive intergroup relations in growingly multicultural societies. Nevertheless, research repeatedly found that friendships are predominantly formed within ethnic groups. This talk will present results from studies that investigated predictors for inter-individual differences in adolescents’ inter-ethnic…
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Seminar: Yphtach Lelkes – University of Amsterdam
The Limits of Partisan Prejudice Partisanship increasingly factors into the behavior of Americans in both political and non-political situations, yet the bounds of partisan prejudice are largely unknown. In this paper we systematically evaluate the limits of partisan prejudice using a series of five studies situated within a typology of prejudice. We find that partisan…
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Seminar: Herman van de Werfhorst, University of Amsterdam
Selective Migration and the Educational Disadvantages of Second Generation Immigrants in Ten Nations Download the abstract
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