Monthly Archives: October 2015

Seminar: Izabela Grabowska – University of Warsaw
Putting the individual back in the frame. Mechanisms of social remittances in an enlarged European Union. Abstract The concept of social remittances, coined by Levitt (1998), induced many scholarly reactions, and opened up a whole new research landscape, but its mechanism was rarely clearly defined or operationalised. Based on the original data gathered during a…
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Seminar: Jan Mewes – Örebro University
Islamophobes, Welfare Chauvinists or Opponents to Egalitarianism: Who Likes the Radical Right? Longitudinal Evidence from Norway. > In the wake of the current refugee crisis, radical right-wing political parties gain ever more ground in Europe. While previous election and voting studies mostly highlighted the precariousness of their electorate, their recent dramatic success – all over…
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Seminar: Belle Derks – Utrecht University
Individual versus collective coping strategies among ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Abstract In this presentation, I focus on the individual and collective ways in which ethnic minorities in the Netherlands cope with the prejudice and discrimination they face in work and educational settings. Some ethnic minorities, i.e. those with relatively low identification, cope with identity…
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