Evi Velthuis, 2022.
Senay Yitmem, 2022.
Sara Cvetkovska, 2022.
Lines in the Shifting Sand: The Implications of Being Tolerated
Marija Dangubic, 2022.
Rejecting Muslim minority practices: Principles and prejudices
Wybren Nooitgedagt, 2022.
Whose land is it?: Perceived ownership and territorial compensation in settler societies
Nora Storz, 2022.
Tom Nijs, 2022.
This place is ours: collective psychological ownership and its social consequences
Jolien Geerlings, 2021.
Femke van der Werf, 2019.
Shadow of a rainbow?: National and ethnic belonging in Mauritius
Paul Hindriks, 2018.
The Struggle for Power: Attitudes towards the political participation of ethnic minorities
Manja Coopmans, 2018.
Rituals of the past in the context of the present: The role of Remembrance Day and Liberation Day in Dutch society
Yassine Khoudja, 2018.
Women’s Labor Market Participation Across Ethnic Groups – The Role of Household Conditions, Gender Role Attitudes, and Religiosity in Different National Contexts
Jellie Sierksma, 2015.
Bounded Helping: How morality and intergroup relations shape children’s reasoning about helping
Cha-Hsuan Liu, 2014.
Suffering in silence? The adequacy of Dutch mental health care provision for ethnic Chinese in the Netherlands
Martijn Hogerbrugge, 2014.
Misfortune and Family. How negative events, family ties and lives are linked
Esther Havekes, 2014.
Putting interethnic attitudes in context. The relationship between neighbourhood characteristics, interethnic attitudes and residential behaviour
Roza Meuleman, 2014.
Consuming the nation. Domestic cultural consumption: its stratification and relation with nationalist attitudes
Caroline Ng Tseung, 2014.
Adolescents living multiculturalism: Intergroup relations in multicultural Mauritius
Thomas de Vroome, 2013.
Earning your place: the relation between immigrants’ economic and psychological integration in the Netherlands
Lieselotte Blommaert, 2013.
Are Joris and Renske more employable than Rashid and Samira? A study on the prevalence and sources of ethnic discrimination in recruitment in the Netherlands using experimental and survey data
Hidde Bekhuis, 2013.
The popularity of domestic cultural products: cross-national differences and the relation to globalization
Anke Munniksma, 2013.
Crossing ethnic boundaries: parental resistance to and consequences of adolescents’ cross-ethnic peer relations
Maike Gieling, 2012.
Dealing with diversity: adolescents’ support for civil liberties and immigrant rights
Mieke Maliepaard, 2012.
Religious trends and social integration: Muslim minorities in the Netherlands
Miranda Vervoort, 2012.
Living together apart? ethnic concentration in the neighbourhood and ethnic minorities’ social contacts and language practices
Agnieszka Kanas, 2011.
The economic performance of immigrants. The role of human and social capital
Claudia de Freitas, 2011.
Participation in mental health care by ethnic minority users: Case studies from the Netherlands and Brazil
Violaine Veen, 2011.
Anca Minescu, 2011.
The Struggle for Group Positions and Inter-ethnic Attitudes in Russia
Fenella Fleischmann, 2011.
Second-generation Muslims in European Societies, Comparative Perspectives on Education and Religion
Willem Huijnk, 2011.
Family Life and Ethnic Attitudes, The Role of the Family for Attitudes towards Intermarriage and Acculturation among Minority and Majority Groups
Borja Martinovic, 2010.
Interethnic Contacts, A Dynamic Analysis of Interaction between Immigrants and Natives in Western Countries
Katerina Pouliasi, 2010.
Culture, Self-understanding, and the Bicultural Mind, A Study in Greece and The Netherlands
Djamila Schans, 2007.
Ethnic Diversity in Intergenerational Solidarity
Iris Andriessen, 2006.
Socio-cultural Factors and School Engagement: A study among Turkish, Moroccan, Assyrian and native Dutch youth in the Netherlands
Peter Reinsch, 2000.
Measuring Immigrant Integration Diversity in a Dutch City
Jose Pepels, 1999.
The Myth of the Positive Crossed Categorization Effect
Edwin Poppe, 1999.
National and Ethnic Stereotypes in Central and Eastern Europe. A Study among Adolescents in Six Countries
Pretty Liem, 1999.
Steadily Forward. Status Attainment of Surinamese in The Netherlands
Alfons Fermin, 1997.
Nederlandse Politieke partijen over Minderhedenbeleid, 1977-1995
Hub Linssen, 1995.
Nationality Stereotypes in Europe, Content and Change