Seminars & Events
SEMINAR: Laura Jacobs – The interplay between real-life and mass-mediated contact and attitudes on immigration
Title: The interplay between real-life and mass-mediated contact and attitudes on immigration
Abstract: In this seminar, Laura will present both past and ongoing research (together with colleagues Emmi Verleyen, UA & Kathleen Beckers, UvA) on how exposure to framing in news stories of various out-groups (refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers) affects attitudes toward these groups. More in particular, she will discuss how the frequency and quality of real-life contact experiences and other predispositions (left-right ideology and vote for the radical right) interact with mass-mediated exposure in relationship to attitudes. To this end, she report evidence of a pre-registered between-subject experiment amongst native citizens in Flanders (n = 2,377).
Bio: Laura Jacobs (PhD KU Leuven, 2017) is a guest professor and postdoctoral researcher at the Department for Political Science at the University of Antwerp, working on the relationship between media and politics. Her research centers on political communication, effects of immigration news, elite discourse in (social) media, populism and voting behavior for the radical right. Currently, she works on a project investigating political knowledge gain effects of digital interventions on young citizens. She has published 27 SSCI-ranked journal articles in the field of political communication and political science, including Political Behavior, Government and Opposition and The International Journal of Press/Politics.
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