Seminars & Events

3 October 2023
15:15 - 16:45
Online - see link below

Seminar: Dr. Laura Cleton – Deporting Children. Policy framing, legitimation and intersectional boundary work

Title: Deporting Children. Policy framing, legitimation and intersectional boundary work

Abstract: During this seminar, Dr. Laura Cleton will present her dissertation research into how deportation actors – street-level bureaucrats, policy officials, lawyers, NGO-workers and legal guardians – in Belgium and the Netherlands legitimize the deportation of illegalized migrant children and their families, in the face of societal debate over the latter’s belonging. Her findings shed light on the gendered and racialized nature of deportation governance and the crucial importance of government actors’ legitimation work in delineating the boundaries of the citizenry. In discussing her empirical work, she will also reflect on the consequences of entering into a relationship with state deportation actors for academic knowledge production.

Bio: Dr. Laura Cleton is a postdoctoral research fellow at United Nations University-MERIT & Maastricht University and incoming postdoctoral researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work centres on deportation regimes in Europe, working on “assisted voluntary return” programs, the role of (international) bureaucrats in effectuating deportation, and feminist approaches to migration governance. She acts as Associate Editor of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and secretary of the Dutch Association for Migration Research. Her dissertation was recently co-awarded with the American Political Science Association Migration & Citizenship section Best Dissertation Award for the best dissertation in migration & citizenship studies defended in 2022.



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