Seminars & Events

4 December 2017
15:15 - 17:00
Ruppert 121

Seminar: Özge Bilgili – Resilience of Immigrant Students

The “CHARM” Policy Analysis Framework

Evaluation of Policies to Promote Immigrant Students’ Resilience

Dr. Özge Bilgili, Assistant Professor, Utrecht University

This paper focuses on children with a migration background, conceptualizes their migration experience as adversity and adapts the resilience framework to understand how they can overcome adversity. Against this backdrop, the paper discusses policy models that can be derived from adopting a resilience approach to the measurement of immigrant students’ integration prospects and proposes a policy analysis framework. The “CHARM” framework helps to assess the extent to which destination country policies and practices support the educational and socioemotional well-being of immigrant children. Namely, it evaluates whether policies consider 1) Cumulative adversity; adopt a 2) Holistic approach; consider 3) Adjustment as a dynamic process; identify a 4) Relational development; and implement a 5) Multilevel approach. The paper finally applies the CHARM framework to the education policies of Ontario, Canada and underscores the relevance of applying the CHARM framework across countries and jurisdictions to evaluate education policies that can promote the resilience of immigrant children.

Bilgili, Ö. (2017), “The “CHARM” Policy Analysis Framework: Evaluation of Policies to Promote Immigrant Students’ Resilience”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 158, OECD Publishing, Paris.